2. Guymon, G.L., Hromadka II, T.V. and Berg, R.L., 1980, A One-Dimensional Frost Heave Model Based Upon Simulation of Simultaneous Heat and Water Flux, 1979 Conference on Soil Water Problems in Cold Regions, Cold Regions Science and Technology, Elsevier, Vol. 3, pg. 253-262.
3. Hromadka II, T.V. and Guymon, G.L., 1980, Numerical Mass Balance for Soil-Moisture Transport Problems, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 3, pg. 107-114.
4. Hromadka II, T.V. and Guymon, G.L., 1980, A Note on Time Integration of Unsaturated Soil-Moisture Transport, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 3, pg. 181-186.
5. Hromadka II, T.V., Guymon, G.L. and Berg, R.L., 1981, Some Approaches to Modeling Phase Change in Freezing Soils, Cold Regions Science and Technology, Elsevier, Vol. 4, pg. 137-145.
6. Hromadka II, T.V. and Guymon, G.L., 1981, Subdomain Integration Model of Ground-water Flow, ASCE Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, Vol. 107, IR2, pg. 187-195.
7. Hromadka II, T.V. and Guymon, G.L., 1981, Improved Linear Trial Function Finite Element Model of Soil Moisture Transport, Water Resources Research, Vol. 17, No. 3, pg. 504-512.
8. Hromadka II, T.V., Guymon, G.L. and Pardoen, G., 1981, Nodal Domain Integration Model of Unsaturated Two-Dimensional Soil-Water Flow: Development, Water Resources Research, Vol. 17, No. 5, pg. 1425-1430.
9. Hromadka II, T.V. and Guymon, G.L., 1982, Numerical Approximation of Linear Two-Dimensional Advection-Diffusion Professes in Rectangular Spatial Domains, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 5, pg. 56-60.
10. Guymon, G.L., Harr, M.E., Berg, R.L. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1981, A Probabilistic-Deterministic Analysis of One-Dimensional Ice Segregation in a Freezing Soil Column, Cold Regions Science and Technology, Elsevier, (5), pg. 127-140.
11. Hromadka II, T.V. and Guymon, G.L., 1982, Nodal Domain Integration Model of One-Dimensional Advection-Diffusion, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 5, pg. 9-16.
12. Hromadka II, T.V., Guymon, G.L. and Berg, R.L., 1982, Sensitivity of A Frost Heave Model to The Method of Numerical Simulation, Cold Regions Science & Technology, Elsevier, (6), pg. 1-10.
13. Hromadka II, T.V. and Guymon, G.L., 1982, A Note on Approximation of One-Dimensional Heat Transfer With and Without Phase Change, Numerical Heat Transfer, Vol. 5, pg. 223-231.
14. Hromadka II, T.V. and Guymon, G.L., 1982, Application of Boundary Integral Equation to Prediction of Freezing Fronts in Soil, Cold Regions Science & Technology, (6), pg. 115-121.
15. Hromadka II, T.V., Clements, J.M. and Guymon, G.L., 1983, Guidelines for Interactive Computer Software in Water Resources Engineering, Water Resources Bulletin, Vol. 19, No. 1, pg. 91-96.
16. Hromadka II, T.V. and Guymon, G.L., 1984, A Complex Variable Boundary Element Method: Development, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 20, pg. 25-37.
17. Guymon, G.L. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1985, Modeling of Groundwater Response to Artificial Recharge, T. Asano, editor, Artificial Recharge of Groundwater, Butterworth Publishers, Massachusetts, Chapter 5, pg. 129-149.
18. Hromadka II, T.V. and Guymon, G.L., 1983, Mass Lumping Numerical Models of Three-Dimensional Heat Conduction, Numerical Heat Transfer, Vol. 6, No. 3, pg. 367-375.
19. Hromadka II, T.V. and Guymon, G.L., 1980, Numerical Mass Balance for Soil-Moisture Transport Problems, CML Publications and Advanced in Water Results, C.A. Brebbia and R.A. Adey, editors, Special Issue, see item No. 4, Vol. 3, pg. 107-114.
20. Guymon, G.L., Berg, R.L. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1983, Field Tests of a Frost Heave Model, Proceedings: Fourth International Permafrost Conference, Fairbanks, Alaska, pg. 409-414.
21. Hromadka II, T.V., Guymon, G.L., and Berg, R.L., 1983, Comparison of Two-Dimensional Domain and Boundary Integral Geothermal Models with Embankment Freeze-Thaw Field Data, Proceedings: Fourth International Permafrost Conference, Fairbanks, Alaska, pg. 509-513.
22. Hromadka II, T.V., Nestlinger, A.J. and Schwarze, J.W., 1983, A Modified S.C.S. Runoff Hydrograph Method, Tenth International Symposium on Urban Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Sediment Control, Lexington, Kentucky, pg. 241-248.
23. Hromadka II, T.V., 1983, Determining Relative Error Bounds for the CVBEM, Engineering Analysis, Vol. 2, No. 2, pg. 75-80.
24. Hromadka II, T.V., 1984, Linking the Complex Variable Boundary Element Method to the Analytic Function Method, Numerical Heat Transfer, Vol. 7, No. 2, pg. 235-240.
25. Hromadka II, T.V. and Guymon, G.L., 1983, Mass Lumping Models of the Linear Diffusion Equation, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 6, pg. 79-87.
26. Hromadka II, T.V., 1983, Nodal Domain Integration Model of Two-Dimensional Advection-Diffusion Processes, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 7, pg. 76-80.
27. Hromadka II, T.V. and Guymon, G.L., 1984, Complex Polynomial Approximation of the Laplace Equation, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 110, No. 3, pg. 329-339.
28. Guymon, G.L. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1984, Two-Dimensional Model of Coupled Heat and Moisture Transport in Frost-Heaving Soils, ASME Third International Symposium on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, New Orleans, Louisiana, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 106, pg. 336-343.
29. Hromadka II, T.V. and Guymon, G.L., 1984, A Simple Model of Ice Segregation Using an Analytic Function to Model Heat and Soil-Water Flow, ASME Third International Symposium on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, New Orleans, Louisiana, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 106, pg. 515-520.
30. Hromadka II, T.V. and Guymon, G.L., 1985, An Algorithm to Reduce Approximation Error from the Complex-Variable Boundary-Element Method Applied to Soil Freezing, Numerical Heat Transfer, Vol. 8, No. 1, pg. 115-130.
31. Hromadka II, T.V. and Guymon, G.L., 1984, Reducing Relative Error from the CVBEM by Proper Treatment of the Known Boundary Conditions, Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 20, pg. 2113-2120.
32. Hromadka II, T.V., 1984, A Simple Model of A Phreatic Surface Through an Earth Dam, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 7, No. 3, pg. 141-143.
33. Hromadka II, T.V., Yen, C.C. and Guymon, G.L., 1985, The Complex Variable Boundary Element Method: Applications, Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 21, pg. 1013-1025.
34. Hromadka II, T.V. and Durbin, T.J., 1984, Adjusting the Nodal Point Distribution in Domain Groundwater Flow Numerical Models, Proceedings: Fifth International Conference on FEM in Water Resources, University of Vermont, pg. 265-282.
35. Hromadka II, T.V., 1984, The Complex Variable Boundary Element Method: Applications in Determining Approximate Boundaries, Engineering Analysis, Vol. 1, No. 4, pg. 218-222.
36. Hromadka II, T.V., 1985, Predicting Dam-Break Flood Depths Using a One-Dimensional Diffusion Model: Microsoftware for Engineers, Vol. 1, No. 1, pg. 22-31.
37. Hromadka II, T.V., Berenbrock, C.E., Freckleton, J.R. and Guymon, G.L., 1985, A Two-Dimensional Dam-Break Flood Plain Model, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 8, No. 1, pg. 7-14.
38. Hromadka II, T.V. and Pardoen, G., 1985, Application of the CVBEM to Non-uniform St. Venant Torsion, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics & Engineering, 53, pg. 149-161, Elsevier Publishers.
39. Hromadka II, T.V., 1986, Predicting Two-Dimensional Steady-State Soil Freezing Fronts Using the CVBEM, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 108, No. 1, pg. 235-237.
40. Guymon, G.L. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1986, Two-Dimensional Diffusion-Probabilistic Model of a Slow Dam Break, Water Resources Bulletin, Vol. 22, No. 2, pg. 257-265.
41. Hromadka II, T.V. and Guymon, G.L., 1984, Simple Model of Ice Segregation Using an Analytic Function to Model Heat and Soil-Water Flow, ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 106, pg. 515-520. (see item 29)
42. Guymon, G.L., Hromadka II, T.V. and Berg, R.L., 1984, Two-Dimensional Model of Coupled Heat and Moisture Transport in Frost-Heaving Soils, ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 106, pg. 336-343. (see item 28)
43. Hromadka II, T.V., 1985, Locating CVBEM Collocation Points for Steady State Heat Transfer Problems, Engineering Analysis, Vol. 2, No. 2, pg. 100-106.
44. Hromadka II, T.V. and Durbin, T.J., 1986, Modeling Steady-State, Advective Contaminant Transport by the Complex Variable Boundary Element Method, Engineering Analysis, Vol. 3, No. 1, pg. 9-14.
45. Hromadka II, T.V., 1986, A Unified Model of Radially Symmetric Heat Conduction, Numerical Heat Transfer, Vol. 9, No. 1, pg. 43-57.
46. Hromadka II, T.V., 1985, Research Communication: Computer Interaction and the CVBEM in Engineering Design, Engineering Analysis, Vol. 2, No. 3, pg. 163-167.
47. Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, Analyzing Numerical Errors in Domain Heat Transport Models Using the CVBEM, ASME Transactions Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vol. 109, No. 2, pg. 163-169.
48. Hromadka II, T.V., 1985, Variable Trial Functions and the CVBEM, Numerical Methods for PDE, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Vol. 1, pg. 259-278.
49. Hromadka II, T.V., 1985, Analyzing Numerical Errors in Domain Heat Transport Models Using the CVBEM, Proceedings: Fourth International Symposium on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Dallas, Texas. (see item 47)
50. Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, Complex Variable Boundary Elements in Computational Mechanics, Topics in Boundary Element Research, Vol. 3, Ch. 7, Springer-Verlag, pg. 191-234.
51. Hromadka II, T.V. and Durbin, T.J., 1986, Two-Dimensional Dam-Break Flood-Flow Analysis for Orange County Reservoir, Wat. Res. Bulletin, Vol. 22, No. 2, pg. 249-255.
52. Hromadka II, T.V., 1986, Convergence Properties of the CVBEM: Development, Engineering Analysis, Vol. 3, No. 3, pg. 181-187.
53. Hromadka II, T.V., 1986, Best Approximation of Two-Dimensional Potential Problems Using the CVBEM, Engineering Analysis, Vol. 3, No. 2, pg. 118-122.
54. Hromadka II, T.V. and Berg, R.L., 1985, A Model of Two-Dimensional Freezing Front Movement Using the Complex Variable BE Method, Microsoftware for Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, pg. 118-126.
55. Lai, Chintu and Hromadka II, T.V., 1985, Modeling Hydraulic Problems Using the CVBEM and a Microcomputer, Proceedings: International Symposium, ASCE Hydraulics Division Specialty Conference, Orlando, Florida, pg. 444-449.
56. Lai, Chintu and Hromadka II, T.V., 1985, Modeling Complex Two-Dimensional Flows by the CVBEM, Proceedings, International Symposium on Refined Flow Modeling and Turbulence Measurements, Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City.
57. Hromadka II, T.V. and Lai, Chintu, 1985, Solving the Two-Dimensional Diffusion Flow Model, Proceedings: ASCE Hydraulics Division Specialty Conference, Orlando, Florida, pg. 555-562.
58. Hromadka II, T.V. and DeVries, J.J., 1985, A Two-Dimensional Dam-Break Model of the Orange County Reservoir, Proceedings: 12th International Symp. on Urban Hydrology, Lexington, Kentucky, pg. 185-193.
59. DeVries, J.J., Hromadka II, T.V. and Nestlinger, A.J., 1985, Hydrologic Effects of Shrubland Watershed Fires on Urban Areas, Proceedings: 12th International Symp. on Urban Hydrology, Lexington, Kentucky, pg. 319-321.
60. Hromadka II, T.V. and Nestlinger, A.J., 1985, Using a Two-Dimensional Diffusion Dam-Break Model in Engineering Planning, Proceedings: ASCE Workshop on Urban Hydrology and Stormwater Management, Los Angeles County Flood Control District Office, Los Angeles, California, pg. 177-190. (see item 63)
61. Hromadka II, T.V., 1986, A Boundary Integration Equation Method Without Matrices, Proceedings: ASME OMAE Conference, Tokyo, Japan, pg. 237-243.
62. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 1987, Complex Boundary Element Solution of Flow-Field Problems Without Matrices, Engineering Analysis, Vol. 4, No. 1, pg. 25-34.
63. Hromadka II, T.V. and Nestlinger, A.J., 1985, Using a Two-Dimensional Diffusion Dam-Break Model in Engineering Planning, Proceedings: ASCE re-reviewed and invited presentation at the University of Long Beach, California. (see item 60)
64. Hromadka II, T.V. and Nestlinger, A.J., 1985, Technical Note: Estimating Watershed S-Graphs Using a Diffusion Flow Model, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 8, pg. 214-218.
65. Clements, J.M. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1986, User-Friendly, Form Fill-Out Data Entry for Engineering Software, Microsoftware for Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, pg. 13-20.
66. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 1986, A Model of Groundwater Contaminant Transport Using the CVBEM, International Journal of Computational Mechanics, Vol. 1, pg. 105-113, Springer-Verlag Publishers.
67. Hromadka II, T.V., 1986, Developing Accurate Solutions of Potential Problems Using an Approximate Boundary and a Boundary Element Method, Boston, Proceedings: BETECH Conference, M.I.T., pg. 447-460, Computational Mechanics Press.
68. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 1986, Solving Time-Dependent Slow Moving Interface Problems in Heat Transfer Using the CVBEM, Proceedings: International Conf. on Computational Mechanics (ICCM86 Tokyo), Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering (JSME), published by Springer-Verlag publishers, pg. VII-3 thru VIII-11.
69. Yen, C.C., Hromadka II, T.V. and Lai, Chintu, 1986, The Complex Variable Boundary Element Method in Groundwater Contaminant Transport, Proceedings: International Conf. on Computational Mechanics, (ICCM86 Tokyo), JSME, Springer-Verlag publishers, pg. XI-137 thru XI-142.
70. Lai, Chintu and Hromadka II, T.V., 1986, Some Advances in CVBEM Modeling of Two-Dimensional Potential Flow, Proceedings: Minnesota ASCE Conference on Hydraulics.
71. Hromadka II, T.V., McCuen, R.H. and Yen, C.C., 1987, A Comparison of Overland Flow Hydrograph Models, ASCE Hydraulics Division Journal, Vol. 113, No. 11, pg. 1422-1440.
72. Yen, C.C. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1986, Complex Polynomial Approximation of Two-Dimensional Potential Problems Using Generalized Fourier Series, Microsoftware for Engineers, Vol. 2, No. 2, pg. 75-81.
73. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 1986, A Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model: I. Model Development, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 9, No. 3, pg. 118-121.
74. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 1986, A Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model: II. Verification of the Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model (DHM), Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 9, No. 3, pg. 122-131.
75. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 1986, A Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model: III. Program Description of DHM Model, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 9, No. 3, pg. 131-135.
76. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 1986, A Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model: IV. Applications of the DHM, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 9, No. 3, pg. 136-155.
77. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 1986, A Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model: V. Comparison Between Kinematic Routing and DHM Model, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 9, No. 3, pg. 156-170.
78. Burchard, W.V. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1986, A Simple Weir Structure Floodflow Bypass Analysis Program, Microsoftware In Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, pg. 215-218.
79. Hromadka II, T.V., Pinder, G.F. and Joos, B., 1987, Approximating a Linear Operator Equation Using a Generalized Fourier Series: Development, Engineering Analysis, Vol. 4, No. 2, pg. 82-88.
80. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, Estimating 100 Year Flood Confidence Intervals, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 10, No. 4, pg. 225-227.
81. Hromadka II, T.V., Yen, C.C. and Pinder, G.F., 1987, Approximating a Linear Operator Equation Using a Generalized Fourier Series: Applications, Engineering Analysis, Vol. 4, No. 4, pg. 214-220.
82. Hromadka II, T.V., DeVries, J.J. and Nestlinger, A.J., 1986, Comparison of Hydraulic and Hydrologic Routing Methods for Channel Flow, Proceedings: HYDROSOFT Conf., Southampton, England, CMI Publications, pg. 73-83.
83. Hromadka II, T.V., Nestlinger, A.J. and DeVries, J.J., 1986, Comparisons of Hydraulic Routing Methods for One-Dimensional Channel Routing Problems, Proceedings: HYDROSOFT Conf., Southampton, England, CMI Publications, pg. 85-98.
84. DeVries, J.J., Hromadka II, T.V. and Nestlinger, A.J., 1986, Applications of a Two-Dimensional Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model, Proceedings: HYDROSOFT Conf., Southampton, England, CMI Publications, pg. 393-412.
85. McCuen, R.H. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, Dimensionless S-Graphs for Urban Watersheds, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 113, No. 7, pg. 907-911.
86. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1986, Computing Confidence Intervals for Floods, I, Microsoftware for Engineers, Vol. 2, No. 3, pg. 138-150.
87. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1986, Computing Confidence Intervals for Floods, II, Microsoftware for Engineers, Vol. 2, No. 3, pg. 151-158.
88. Hromadka II, T.V., Whitley, R.J., McCuen, R.H. and Nestlinger, A.J., 1986, Development of a Hydrology Model for Flood Control Design and Planning, submitted to Water Resources Bulletin.
89. Hromadka II, T.V. and DeVries, J.J., 1988, Kinematic Wave Routing and Computational Error, ASCE Hydraulics Division, Vol. 114, No. 2, pg. 207-217.
90. McCuen, R.H. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1988, Flood Skew in Hydrologic Design on Ungaged Watersheds, ASCE Irrigation & Drainage Division, Vol. 114, No. 2, pg. 301-310.
91. McCuen, R.H., Yen, C.C. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1986, Adjusting Stream Gage Data for Urbanization Effects, Microsoftware for Engineers, Vol. 2, No. 4, pg. 219-224.
92. Hromadka II, T.V., 1986, Isothermal Phase Change Model for Freezing and Thawing Soils I: Development, Environmental Software, Vol. 1, No. 2, pg. 113-177.
93. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 1986, Isothermal Phase Change Model for Freezing and Thawing Soils II: Model, Environmental Software, Vol. 1, No. 2, pg. 118-123.
94. Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, Approximation of Slow-Moving Interface Phase Change Problems Using a Generalized Fourier Series and the Complex Variable Boundary Element Method, Numerical Heat Transfer, Vol. 11, pg. 341-351.
95. Hromadka II, T.V., 1986, The State-of-the-Art In Hydrologic Models: A Review of Progress, Proceedings: ENVIROSOFT’86 Conference, Computational Mechanics Press, pg. 351-370.
96. Yen, C.C. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1986, Complex Variable Boundary Element Solution of Groundwater Contaminant Transport, Proceedings: ENVIROSOFT’86 Conference, Computational Mechanics Press, pg. 409-419.
97. Hromadka II, T.V. and Nestlinger, A.J., 1986, The Choice of Which Hydrologic Model to Use, Proceedings: ENVIROSOFT ’86 Conference, Computational Mechanics Press, pg. 521-550.
98. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 1986, Evaluation of Flooding Due to Urbanization, Proceedings: ENVIROSOFT ’86 Conference, Computational Mechanics press, pg. 503-519.
99. Hromadka II, T.V., Yen, C.C. and Seits, M.H., 1987, A Comparison of Techniques for Evaluating Hydrologic Model Uncertainty, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 2, No. 1, pg. 25-37.
100. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 1987, Computing the Steady State Freezing Front Location in Two-Dimensional Algid Soils, Proceedings: ASCE OMAE Conference, Houston, Texas.
101. Yen, C.C. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, CVBEM Modeling of Tracking Two-Dimensional Freezing Fronts in Algid Soil, Proceedings: ASME OMAE Conference, Houston, Texas.
102. Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, A Computerized Master Plan of Drainage, I: Development, Microsoftware for Engineers, Vol. 3, No. 1, pg. 22-27.
103. Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, A Computerized Master Plan of Drainage, II: Software System, Microsoftware for Engineers, Vol. 3, No. 1, pg. 28-43.
104. Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, Use of a Hydrologic Model as a Flood Control Policy Statement, Environmental Software, Vol. 2, No. 2, pg. 60-70.
105. Yen, C.C. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1988, A Simple Hydrologic Mass Balance Model, Microsoftware for Engineers, Vol. 4, No. 2, pg. 70-87.
106. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, A Test for Accuracy of Numerical Solutions of Steady-State Heat Transfer Problems, Numerical Heat Transfer, Vol. 11, pg. 505-509.
107. Hromadka II, T.V., McCuen, R.H. and Yen, C.C., 1988, Effect of Watershed Subdivision on Prediction Accuracy of Hydrologic Models, HYDROSOFT, Computational Mechanics Press, Vol. 1, No. 1, pg. 19-28.
108. Hromadka II, T.V., McCuen, R.H., Whitley, R.J. and Yen, C.C., 1991, Discretization of Hydrologic Models, Hydrological Science and Technology, American Institute of Hydrology, Vol. 6, No. 1-4, pg. 73-92.
109. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1989, Checking Flood Frequency Curves Using Rainfall Data, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 115, No. 4, pg. 544-548.
110. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1991, Unit Hydrographs as a Multivariate Normal Distribution, Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics, Second International Conf. on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Washington, DC, July 8-12, 1991.
111. DeVries, J.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1986, Diffusion Hydrodynamic Models for Floodplain Modeling, presented at the California Watershed Management Conference, Sacramento, California.
112. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 1987, The Complex Variable Boundary Element Method Applied to Automotive Streamlining, Proceedings: COMPAUTO Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland, Computational Mechanics Press.
113. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1988, Confidence Intervals for Flood Control Design, Journal of Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics, pg. 151-155.
114. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 1991, Computer Modeling of Groundwater Contaminant Transport Using Complex Variable Approximations, Speaker, National Research & Development Conference on the Control of Hazardous Materials, Feb. 20-22, 1991, Hazardous Materials Control Research Institute, Maryland, Proceedings, pg. 173-178.
115. Hromadka II, T.V., 1988, Back to the Unit Hydrograph Method, Proceedings: ENVIROSOFT’88 Conference, Porto Carras, Greece, Computational Mechanics Press, pg. 271-280.
116. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 1988, Unit Hydrograph Models and Uncertainty Distributions, Proceedings: ENVIROSOFT’88 Conference, Porto Carras, Greece, Computational Mechanics Press, pg. 281-291.
117. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1988, Uncertainty in Model Calibration, Proceedings: ENVIROSOFT’88 Conference, Porto Carras, Greece, Computational Mechanics Press, pg. 259-270.
118. Hromadka II, T.V., 1990, A Regionalized Hydrologic Model Distribution, Proceedings: ENVIROSOFT’90: Development and Application of Computer Techniques to Environmental Studies, Canada, Computational Mechanics Press, Sept. 11-13, 1990, pg. 415-425.
119. Hromadka II, T.V., 1990, Hydrologic Model Discretization Error, Proceedings: ENVIROSOFT’90: Development and Application of Computer Techniques to Environmental Studies, Canada, Computational Mechanics Press, Sept. 11-13, 1990, pg. 427-433.
120. Hromadka II, T.V. and DeVries, J.J., 1989, Estimating Uncertainty in Design Storm Rainfall-Runoff Models Using a Stochastic Integral Equation, AGU Fall 1989 Conference Session H31C, San Francisco, California, Paper No. 12.
121. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1989, Variability in the Design Storm Unit Hydrograph Model, HYDROSOFT, Computational Mechanics Publication, Vol. 2, No. 1, pg. 8-18.
122. Hromadka II, T.V. and DeVries, J.J., 1987, Discretization of Hydrologic Models and Data Base Requirements, Proceedings: American Institute of Hydrology, Application of Recent Advances in Hydroscience Conference, San Francisco, California.
123. Hromadka II, T.V., 1993, Master Plans of Drainage and Environmental Systems (MPDES), American Water Resources Association, 29th Annual Conference & Symposium, Aug. 29-Sept. 2, 1993, Tucson, Arizona.
124. Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, Uncertainty in Flood Control Design, Proceedings: Stormwater and Water Quality Management Modeling Conference, Denver, Colorado, Computational Hydraulics Institute, University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Dr. William James, Editor.
125. Hromadka II, T.V. and McCuen, R.H., 1987, Uncertainty Estimates for Surface Runoff Models, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 11, No. 1, pg. 2-14.
126. Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, Analyzing Numerical Errors in Domain Heat Transport Models Using the CVBEM, ASME Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vol. 109 (see Item 49 for ASME Conference Paper) pg. 163-169.
127. Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, Including Uncertainty in the Design of Flood Control Peak Reduction Systems, Proceedings: ASCE Conference on Peak Reduction, California State University, Long Beach, Dr. Gamal Mostafa, Editor.
128. Hromadka II, T.V. and Nestlinger, A.J., 1987, The Need for a Hydrology Manual in Flood Control Management, Proceedings: ASFPM Conference, Floodplains 87, June 9-12, Seattle, Washington.
129. Hromadka II, T.V. and Nestlinger, A.J., 1987, Peak Flow Reduction Systems and Hydrologic Models – A Review of Progress, Proceedings: ASCE Conference, on Peak Reduction, California State University, Long Beach, Dr. Gamal Mostafa, Editor.
130. Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, Confidence Intervals for Flood Control Design, Proceedings: ASCE Engineering Hydrology Symposium, Williamsburg, Virginia.
131. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 1988, The Design Storm Concept in Flood Control Design and Planning, Stochastic Hydrology & Hydraulics, (2), pg. 213-239.
132. Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, Best Approximation of a Linear Operation Equation, Invited Paper, Proceedings: 9th International Conf. of Boundary Element Methods in Engineering, BEM’87, Comp. Mech. Pub., Stuttgart, Germany, pg. 21-28.
133. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, Confidence Intervals for Floods, Proceedings of the First International Computational Hydrology Conference, Anaheim, California, pg. A-18 thru A-20.
134. Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, Complex Watershed Models in Flood Control: Questions of Credibility, Proceedings of the First International Computational Hydrology Conference, Anaheim, California, pg. A-34 thru A-37.
135. Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, Including Uncertainty in Hydrology Criterion Variable Predictions, Proceedings of the First International Computational Hydrology Conference, Anaheim, California, pg. A-38 thru A-42.
136. Seits, Mark H. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, Master Plan of Drainage-Application of a User-Friendly Computer Model, Proceedings of the First International Computational Hydrology Conference, Anaheim, California, pg. C-19 thru C-25.
137. DeVries, Johannes J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, Comparison of Streamflow Routing Procedures for Hydrologic Models, Proceedings of the First International Computational Hydrology Conference, Anaheim, California, pg. C-26 thru C-33.
138. Yen, Chung-Cheng and Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, CVBEM Analysis in Subsurface Hydraulics, Proceedings of the First International Computational Hydrology Conference, Anaheim, California, pg. G-21 thru G-24.
139. Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, Irregular Channel Hydraulics for Subcritical Flow, Microsoftware for Engineers, Vol. 3, No. 3, pg. 146-155.
140. Seits, M.H., Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 1988, Analysis of a Hydrologic Model for Predicting Surface-Flow Storm Runoff, HYDROSOFT, Vol. 1, No. 3, pg. 110-127.
141. Hromadka II, T.V., Burchard, W.V., Yen, C.C. and Young, W.F., 1988, Design and Analysis for Runoff and Nuisance Flow in an Urban Watershed, HYDROSOFT, Vol. 1, No. 4, pg. 162-167.
142. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 1988, Extension of the CVBEM to Higher Order Trial Functions, Applied Mathematical Modeling, Vol. 12, pg. 619-626.
143. Hromadka II, T.V. and McCuen, R.H., 1990, An Approximate Analysis of Surface Runoff Model Uncertainty, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 11, pg. 321-360.
144. Hromadka II, T.V., 1992, A Hermite CVBEM Model of Two-Dimensional Steady State, Soil-Water Phase Change, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 9, No. 2, pg. 109-116.
145. Hromadka II, T.V., Walker, T.R. and Yen, C.C., 1988, Using the Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model (DHM) to Evaluate Flood Plain Environmental Impacts, Environmental Software, Vol. 3, No. 1, pg. 4-11.
146. Hromadka II, T.V., 1990, The Rational Method in Stormwater Management Modeling of Peak Flow Flood Control Systems, I: Theoretical Development, Environmental Software, Vol. 4, No. 3, pg. 123-129.
147. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 1990, The Rational Method in Stormwater Management Modeling of Peak Flow Flood Control Systems, II: Computer Application, Environmental Software, Vol. 4, No. 3, pg. 130-135.
148. Hromadka II, T.V., 1989, Approximating Rainfall-Runoff Modeling Uncertainty Using the Stochastic Integral Equation Method, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 12, No. 1, pg. 21-25.
149. Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, Including Uncertainty in the Design of Flood Control Peak Reduction Systems, Proceedings: ASCE Conference on Peak Reduction, California State University, Long Beach, Dr. Gamal Mostafa, Editor.
150. DeVries, J.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1989, Flood Plain Analysis Using a Two-Dimensional Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model, Fourth Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics.
151. Hromadka II, T.V., 1989, Use of Subareas in Rainfall-Runoff Models, I: Development of a Multi-Linear Runoff Model Approximation, Journal of Hydrological Science and Technology, American Institute of Hydrology, Vol. 3, No. 1-2, 1987, pg. 25-35.
152. Hromadka II, T.V., 1989, Use of Subareas in Rainfall-Runoff Models, II: Reducing Modeling Uncertainty, Journal of Hydrological Science and Technology, American Institute of Hydrology, Vol. 3, No. 1-2, pg. 37-45.
153. Hromadka II, T.V. and McCuen, R.H., 1989, Evaluation of Rainfall-Runoff Performance Using the Stochastic Integral Equation Method, Stochastic Hydrology & Hydraulics, Vol. 3, No. 3, pg. 217-226.
154. Johnson, P.A., McCuen, R.H. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1991, Magnitude and Frequency of Debris Flows, Journal of Hydrology, 123, pg. 69-82.
155. McCuen, R.H., Ayyub, B.M. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1990, Risk of Debris Basin Failure, ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, pg. 473-483.
156. Johnson, P.A., McCuen, R.H. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1991, Debris Basin Policy and Design, Journal of Hydrology, 123, pg. 83-95.
157. Hromadka II, T.V., 1988, Rainfall-Runoff Models: A Review for 1988, Invited Paper, Proceedings: ENVIROSOFT’88 Conference, Computational Mechanics Publications, Porto Carras, Greece, pg. 225-247.
158. Hromadka II, T.V., 1990, Rainfall-Runoff Models: A Review, Environmental Software, Computational Mechanics Publications, Vol. 5, No. 2, pg. 82-103. (see item 157)
159. DeVries, J.J., Tod, I.C. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1988, Unsteady Canal Flow-Comparison of Simulations with Field Data, Proceedings: International Symposium, Model-Prototype Correlation of Hydraulic Structures, ASCE, IAHHR, Colorado Springs, Colorado, pg. 456-465.
160. Yen, C.C. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1988, Interactive Hydraulic Analysis for Storm Drain Pipe Systems, HYDROSOFT, Computational Mechanics Publications, Vol. 1, No. 4, pg. 181-192.
161. Hromadka II, T.V., Walker, T.R., Yen, C.C. and DeVries, J.J., 1989, Application of the U.S.G.S. Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model for Urban Floodplain Analysis, Water Resources Bulletin, Vol. 25, No. 5, pg. 1063-1071.
162. Seibel, J.G., Leal, A.F., Barton, M.R. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1991, a Computer Program for Approximating a Linear Operator Equation Using a Generalized Fourier Series, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 13, No. 4, pg. 169-179.
163. Hromadka II, T.V., 1991, Including Uncertainty in the Unit Hydrograph Method, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 14, No. 3, pg. 125-130.
164. Hromadka II, T.V., 1993, An Approximate Absolute Relative Error Bound for the Complex Variable Boundary Method, Boundary Element – Communications, Vol. 4, No. 5, pg. 193-194.
165. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 1989, Numerical Approximation of Linear Operator Equations Using a Generalized Fourier Series: Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations with Boundary Conditions, Journal of Applied Mathematical Modeling, Vol. 13, pg. 601-614.
166. Hromadka II, T.V. and DeVries, J.J., 1990, Groundwater-Contaminant Transport Modeling Using the Complex Variable Boundary Element Method, Proceedings: International Joint Leningrad Mining Institute & American Institute of Hydrology Conference, Leningrad, USSR, pg. 383-386.
167. Harryman, R.R., Hromadka II, T.V., Vaughn, J.L. and Watson, D.P., 1990, The CVBEM for Multiply Connected Domains Using a Linear Trial Function, Applied Mathematical Modeling, Vol. 14, pg. 104-110.
168. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 1993, Expansion of the CVBEM into a Series Using Intelligent Fractals (IFs), Proceedings: BEM 15 (published in Abstracts and Newsletters), Cambridge, Massachusetts, Vol. XV, pg. 571-578.
169. Hromadka II, T.V., 1989, Application of the CVBEM to Multiply Connected Regions, Applied Mathematical Modeling, Vol. 14, No. 4, pg. 212-216.
170. Yen, C.C. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1990, A Unified Computer Model for Irregular Channel Hydraulics, Software for Engineering Work Stations, Vol. 5, No. 4, pg. 171-183.
171. Yen, C.C. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1990, Time-Area Diagram and Peak Flow Estimates Using Rational Method Link-Node Modeling, HYDROSOFT, Vol. 3, No. 4, pg. 184-186.
172. Hromadka II, T.V., Whitley, R.J. and DeVries, J.J., 1991, Unification in Estimation of Confidence Intervals, ASCE 18th National Water Resources Planning and Management and Urban Water Resources Conference, New Orleans, Proceedings, May 20-22, 1991, pg. 754-758.
173. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1991, Evaluating Uncertainty in Design Storm Runoff Predictions, Water Resources Research, Vol. 27, No. 10, pg. 2779-2784.
174. Hromadka II, T.V., 1989, Computer Interaction and the CVBEM in Engineering Design, Invited Paper, Proceedings: BEM Conference, Computational Mechanics Publications, Cambridge, Massachusetts. (Originally published in item 46.)
175. Johnson, P.A., McCuen, R.H. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1989, Debris Flow Magnitude and Mitigation, ASCE 16th Annual Conference, Division of Water Resources Planning & Management, Sacramento, California, Edited by Steven C. Harris, May 21-25, 1989, pg. 263-266.
177. Hromadka II, T.V. and DeVries, J.J., 1990, An Overview on Uses and Types of Hydrologic Models for Watersheds, Volume 10, Encyclopedia of Fluid Mechanics, Gulf Publishing, Nicholas Cheremisinoff Editor, pg. 499-543.
178. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1990, Sensitivity of Regional Confidence Intervals for Floods, Software for Engineering Workstations, Vol. 6, No. 3, pg. 147-153.
179. Guymon, G.L., Berg, R.L., Johnson, T.C. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1981, Results from a Mathematical Model of Frost Heave, Transportation Research Record 809 (Committee on Frost Action).
180. Hromadka II, T.V., Yen, C.C. and DeVries, J.J., 1989, Groundwater Contaminant Transport Using the Complex Variable Boundary Element Method, 17th Biennial Conference on Ground Water, September 25-26, 1989, San Diego, California.
181. DeVries, J.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1989, Urban Floodplain Analysis by Use of System of Reservoirs, Conference on Water Resources Systems Analysis, Winnipeg, Canada, June, 1989, pg. 197-207.
182. Hromadka II, T.V., 1989, The Design Storm in Flood Control Design and Planning, AGU Fall 1989 Conference, Invited Paper, Session H31C, San Francisco, California, Paper No. 11.
183. Hromadka II, T.V., Yen, C.C. and Bajak, P.A., 1992, Application of the U.S.G.S. Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model (DHM) in Evaluation of Estuary Flow Circulation, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 14, pg. 291-301.
184. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 1991, Error Bounds for Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 7, pg. 339-346.
185. Hromadka II, T.V., 1990, A Regionalized Rainfall-Runoff Stochastic Model, ASCE National Hydraulic Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, pg. 439-445.
186. Hromadka II, T.V. and DeVries, J.J., 1990, Application of the U.S.G.S. DHM for Floodplain Analysis, ASCE National Hydraulic Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, pg. 274-279.
187. Hromadka II, T.V., McCuen, R.H. and Whitley, R.J., 1990, Uncertainty Estimates for Rainfall Runoff Model, ASCE National Hydraulic Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, pg. 323-329.
188. Yen, C.C. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1990, Hydraulic Analysis for Box Culvert Systems, HYDROSOFT, Vol. 3, No. 1, pg. 10-18.
189. Hromadka II, T.V., Yen, C.C., Nestlinger, A.J. and Jordan, N.M., 1993, East Garden Grove-Wintersburg (C05) and Oceanview (C06) Channel Inundation Study Using the Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model, Proceedings: ASCE Workshop on Stormwater Management, California State University, Long Beach, California, pg. 14-27.
190. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1992, Computer Program to Compute Pressure Forces in Pipe Flow Junctions, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 15, pg. 27-32.
191. Hromadka II, T.V., 1990, Development of Hydrology Manuals for Southern California Counties, I. Model Selection, Proceedings: Workshop on County Hydrology Manuals, Water Resources Center, University of California, Davis, Aug. 16-17, 1990, J.J. DeVries, Editor, Lighthouse Publications.
192. Hromadka II, T.V., 1990, Development of Hydrology Manuals for Southern California Counties, II. Model Calibration, Proceedings: Workshop on County Hydrology Manuals, Water Resources Center, University of California, Davis, Aug. 16-17, 1990, J.J. DeVries, Editor, Lighthouse Publications.
193. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 1993, The Best Approximation Method Applied to Three Dimensional Steady State Heat Transport, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 16, pg. 47-51.
194. Hromadka II, T.V., 1990, A Review of Groundwater Contaminant Transport Modeling Techniques, Invited Paper, IBM Europe Institute, “Environmental Modeling,” July 16-20, 1990; Oberlech Austria, published by Computational Mechanics Publications.
195. Hromadka II, T.V., 1990, Some Recent Advances in Computer Modeling of Groundwater Contaminant Transport, Invited Speaker, IBM Europe Institute, “Environmental Modeling,” July 16-20, 1990; Oberlech Austria, published by Computational Mechanics Publications.
196. McCuen, R.H., Johnson, P.A. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1993, Regionalized Partial-Duration Balanced Hydrograph Model, ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 119, No. 6, pg. 1036-1051.
197. Hromadka II, T.V., Whitley, R.J., McCuen, R.H. and Yen, C.C., 1992, Development of Confidence Interval Estimates for Predictions from a Rainfall-Runoff Model, Environmental Software, Vol. 7, No. 2, pg. 61-72.
198. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 1992, Complex Variable Element Solution of Potential Flow Field Problems Using Taylor Series for Error Analysis, Applied Mathematical Modeling, Vol. 16, No. 3, pg. 114-123.
199. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1991, A Probabilistic Model to Evaluate Computer Software Piracy, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 13, No. 4, pg. 206-210.
200. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 1993, Evaluating the Effect of Land Development on Sediment Transport Using a Probabilistic Density Function, Proceedings: Stochastic & Statistical Methods in Hydrology and Environmental Engineering, June 21-23, 1993, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada (Springer-Verlag).
202. Hromadka II, T.V., DeVries, J.J., Yen, C.C. and Nestlinger, A.J., 1991, Application of the USGS Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model for River Overflow Floodplain Analysis, Invited Paper, ASCE Engineering Workshop on Hydraulic and Environmental Aspects of Rivers, California State University, Long Beach, May 18, 1991 (see item 186), Proceedings: pg. 117-125.
203. DeVries, J.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1993, Book Chapter, McGraw-Hill Handbook of Hydrology, Chpt. 21, Computer Models for Surface Water, pg. 21.1 to 21.39.
204. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 1993, Expanding the CVBEM Analog into a Series, Boundary Element Abstracts, Vol. 4, No. 1, pg. 35-36.
205. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1993, Testing for Nonzero Skew in Maximum Discharge Runoff Data, Water Resources Research, Vol. 29, No. 2, pg. 531-534.
206. Hromadka II, T.V. and DeVries, J.J., 1991, Ground-water Contaminant Transport Modeling Using Complex Variable Element Method, Hydrological Science & Technology, Vol. 5, pg. 137-140, Reprinted from Invited Paper, 1990 International Joint Leningrad Mining Institute & American Institute of Hydrology Conference, Leningrad, USSR; (see item 166).
207. Hromadka II, T.V., 1991, Complex Boundary Elements for Contaminant Transport Studies, International Conf. on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Washington, DC, July 8-12, 1991.
208. Hromadka II, T.V., Yen, C.C. and Whitley, R.J., 1993, Hydraulic Junction Analysis for a Hydrologic Confluence, Proceedings: Stochastic & Statistical Methods in Hydrology and Environmental Engineering, June 21-23, 1993, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada (Springer-Verlag).
209. Hromadka II, T.V., 1992, A Review of Groundwater Contaminant Transport Modeling Techniques, Invited Speaker, IBM Europe Institute, “Environmental Modeling,” July 16-20, 1990, Oberlech Austria, Proceedings Elsevier Applied Science & CMP, pg. 35-53.
210. Hromadka II, T.V., 1992, Some Recent Advances in Computer Modeling of Groundwater Contaminant Transport, Invited Speaker, IBM Europe Institute, “Environmental Modeling,” July 16-20, 1990, Oberlech Austria, Proceedings: Elsevier Applied Science & CMP, pg. 55-64.
211. DeVries, J.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1991, Overview of Frequently-Used Hydrologic Techniques for Small Watershed Analysis, Proceedings: Workshop on County Hydrology Manuals, Lighthouse Publications, pg. 36-60.
212. Hromadka II, T.V., Walker, J. and Guymon, G.L., 1993, Solution of Parabolic Equations Using An Eigenvalue Method for Time Advancement, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 18, pg. 1-5.
213. Guymon, G.L., Khan, M.N., Collins, M. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1994, A Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model of Shallow Estuary, ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning & Management, Vol. 120, No. 2, pg. 253-266.
214. Hromadka II, T.V., 1993, Rainfall/Runoff Modeling Procedures for the Arid Southwest; Proceedings: 1992 ASFPM Arid West Flood Management Issues Conference, Dec. 2-4, 1992, Las Vegas, Nevada, pg. 187-216.
215. Hromadka II, T.V., 1993, Upgradable Master Plans of Drainage for Arid Communities Using a GIS; Proceedings: 1992 ASFPM Arid West Flood Management Issues Conference, Dec. 2-4, 1992, Las Vegas, Nevada, pg. 45-56.
216. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 1992, Uncertainty in Model Calibration Due to Rainfall, Proceedings: Envirosoft’92, Development and Application of Computer Techniques to Environmental Studies, Southampton, England; Computational Mechanics Press, pg. 205-218.
217. Hromadka II, T.V., 1992, Unit Hydrograph Models and Uncertainty Distributions, Proceedings: Envirosoft’92, Development and Application of Computer Techniques to Environmental Studies, Southampton, England; Computational Mechanics Press, Invited Paper (see item 116), pg. 219-230.
218. Hromadka II, T.V. and DeVries, J.J., 1993, Back to the Unit Hydrograph Method, Proceedings: International Symp. on Engineering Hydrology, ASCE Hyd. Div., San Francisco, pg. 240-245.
219. Hromadka II, T.V., 1993, Including Uncertainty in Flood Control Design, Proceedings: International Symp. on Engineering Hydrology, ASCE Hyd. Div., San Francisco, pg. 79-84.
220. Hromadka II, T.V., Guymon, G.L., Khan, J. and Collins, M., 1993, A Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model of a Shallow Estuary: Verification (see item 213), International Symp. on Engineering Hydrology, ASCE Hyd. Div., San Francisco, Invited Paper, pg. 2178-2183.
221. Hromadka II, T.V. and McCuen, R.H., 1993, Hydrologic Runoff Models for the Arid Southwest United States, Proceedings: International Symp. on Engineering Hydrology, ASCE Hyd. Div., San Francisco, pg. 162-167.
222. Hromadka II, T.V., 1992, A Review of Groundwater Contaminant Transport Modeling Techniques, CHAPTER 3, Environmental Modeling, Computational Mechanics Press, Elsevier Applied Science (see item 194).
223. Hromadka II, T.V., 1992, Some Recent Advances in Computer Modeling of Groundwater Contaminant Transport, CHAPTER 4, Environmental Modeling, Computational Mechanics Press, Elsevier Applied Science (see item 195).
224. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 1993, Evaluating the Effect on Land Development of Sediment Transport Using a Probability Density Function, Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics, Vol. 7, No. 2, pg. 102-108.
225. Hromadka II, T.V., 1992, Complex Variable Boundary Element Method Error Analysis Using Taylor Series, Proceedings: Boundary Element Technology VII, University of New Mexico, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Albuquerque, June 3-5, 1992; Elsevier Applied Science, and Computational Mechanics Press, pg. 703-720.
226. Hromadka II, T.V., Whitley, R.J., 1993, Expanding the CVBEM Approximation in a Series, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 11, No. 6, pg. 509-516.
227. Hromadka II, T.V., Whitley, R.J., Harryman, R.R. and Braksator, M.J., 1992, Application of a Graphics Data Base Management System: Computerized Master Plan of Drainage, Proceedings: Envirosoft’92, Development and Application of Computer Techniques in Environmental Studies, Southampton, England; Computational Mechanics Press, pg. 805-818.
228. Hromadka II, T.V., 1993, A Review of Hydrologic Models for Arid Southwest United States, Invited Paper, Proceedings: 12th Annual Hydrology Days Conference, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, Dr. Morel-Seytoux Editor, pg. 38-52.
229. Hromadka II, T.V., 1993, Estimating Uncertainty in Design Storm Rainfall-Runoff Models Using a Stochastic Integral Equation, Invited Paper, Proceedings: 12th Annual Hydrology Days Conference, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, Dr. Morel-Seytoux Editor, pg. 275-286.
230. Hromadka II, T.V. and Braksator, M.J., 1993, Graphics Display for Graphics Data Management System, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 17, pg. 95-103.
231. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1994, Complex Logarithms, Cauchy Principal Values, and the Complex Variable Boundary Element Method, Applied Mathematical Modeling, Vol. 18, pg. 423-428.
232. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 1993, Expansion of the CVBEM into a Series Using Intelligent Fractals (IFs), Invited Paper, Boundary Elements Abstracts and Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 6, pg. 208. (see Item168)
233. Hromadka II, T.V., 1987, Uncertainty in Hydrologic Models: A Review of the Literature, Proceedings: Stormwater and Water Quality Management Modeling Conference, Denver, Colorado, Computational Hydraulics Institute, University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Dr. William James, Editor.
234. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 1994, for Evaluating Modeling Uncertainty, Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics, Vol. 8, No. 4, pg. 259-268.
235. Wranic, A.D., Hromadka II, T.V. and Saint, P.K., 1994, Pollutant Loadings Generated by Nonpoint Sources in the Santa Monica Bay Drainage Basins – A Case Study, Journal of Water Resources Management, Vol. 8, pg. 327-343.
236. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1994, Numerical Solutions of the Dirichlet Problem via a Density Theorem, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 10, pg. 369-381.
237. Hromadka II, T.V., 1994, The Approximate Boundary Method for Error Reduction in the Complex Variable Boundary Element Method: Overview, Proceedings: International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (IMACS) Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, July 1994, pg. 1319-1320.
238. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 1993, Expansion of the CVBEM into a Series Using Fractals, Engineering Analysis Using Boundary Elements, Vol. 12, pg. 17-20.
239. Hromadka II, T.V., 1994, A Stochastic Integral Equation Analog for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling, Proceedings, The Association of State Floodplain Managers, Annual Conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma, May 8-13, 1994, pg. 253-258.
240. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 1994, The Rational Method for Peak Flow Rate Estimation, Water Resources Bulletin, pg. 1001-1009.
241. Wood, M.A., Ciejka, G.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1994, CVBEM Error Reduction Using the Approximate Boundary Method, Engineering Analysis, Vol. 11, No. 3, pg. 233-237.
242. Hromadka II, T.V., 1995, Inverse Approximation of a Hydrodynamic Flooding Problem, SIAM Symposium on Inverse Problems: Geophysical Applications, Yosemite, California, Dec. 16-19, 1995.
243. Hromadka II, T.V., 1995, Using GIS in Master Plans of Drainage, The Association of State Floodplain Managers, 19th Annual Conference, May 22-26, 1995, Portland Maine, pg. 321-327.
244. Hromadka II, T.V., 1995, The Theoretical Underpinnings of the Rational Method, The Association of State Floodplain Managers, 19th Annual Conference, May 22-26, 1995, Portland Maine, pg. 267-272.
245. Hromadka II, T.V., Knell, S. and DeVries, J.J., 1996, Preparation of a Hydrology Manual for Imperial County, California, ASCE Conference Proceedings: North American Water and Environmental Congress ’96.
246. Hromadka II, T.V., DeVries, J.J., Callahan, M. and Pulver, J., 1996, Development of the San Joaquin County Hydrology Manual, ASCE Conference Proceedings: North American Water and Environmental Congress ’96.
247. Hromadka II, T.V., Guidry, K. and Laird, C., 1995, Boyle Graphics: An Application of A Graphics Data Base Management System, J. Environmental Software, Vol. 10, No. 2, pg. 87-107.
248. Hromadka II, T.V., 1993, Hydrologic Models for Arid Southwest United States, Journal of Hydrological Science and Technology, American Institute of Hydrology, Vol. 8, No. 1-4, pg. 39-61.
249. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 1992, Complex Variable Elements Solution of Potential Flow Problems Using Taylors Series for Error Analysis, Applied Mathematical Modeling, Vol. 16, March 1992, pg. 114-123.
250. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 1995, Using a Cost-of-Benefit Index (CBI) to Set Priorities for a City Master Plan of Drainage System, J. Environmental Software, Vol. 10, No. 1, pg. 1-9.
251. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 1995, Stormwater Pollutant Loading Estimation: Using GIS and Master Plans of Drainage, Proceedings: Arid West Conference, Association of State Floodplain Managers, January 24-26, 1995, San Diego, California, pg. 64-74.
252. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 1995, Stormwater Pollutant Loading Estimation: A Simple Continuity Model, Proceedings: Arid West Conference, Association of State Floodplain Managers, January 24-26, 1995, San Diego, California, pg. 45-63.
253. DeVries, J.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1996, County-Wide Drainage Study Using GIS, ASCE Conference Proceedings: North American Water and Environmental Congress ’96.
254. DeVries, J.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., Debris Basin Design Procedures, ASCE Conference Proceedings: North American Water and Environmental Congress ’96, (1997).
255. Hromadka II, T.V., 1995, The Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model Applied to Alluvial Fan Flood Plain Analysis, 9th Semi-Annual Technical Conference, Floodplain Management Association, Sacramento California September 13-15, 1995.
256. Hromadka II, T.V., 1995, An Expansion of the CVBEM Matrix System, Boundary Elements Communications, Vol. 6, pgs. 160-162.
257. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 1996, Approximating Rainfall-Runoff Modeling Response Using a Stochastic Integral Equation, Hydrological Processes, Vol. 10, 1003-1019.
258. Hromadka II, T.V., 1996, Rainstorms of the Imperial Valley, Invited Paper and Lecture, American Society of Civil Engineers, June 6, 1996, Imperial Valley, Published in ASCE Lecture Notes.
259. DeVries, J.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1994, Development of Design Storm Procedures for San Joaquin County, Proceedings: Predicting Heavy Rainfall Events in California: A Symposium to Share Weather Pattern Knowledge, June 25, 1994.
260. Hromadka II, T.V., 1994, A Rainfall-Runoff Probabilistic Simulation Program: 1. Synthetic Data Generation, Invited Paper, Proceedings: Envirosoft’94 Conference, San Francisco, California, November, 1994, pg. 342-350. (see Item 245)
261. Hromadka II, T.V., Whitley, R.J., 1996, Rational-Method Equation and HEC TD-15, ASCE, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, January/February, 1996, pg. 15-18.
262. Hromadka II, T.V., Corchero, R.W. and Laird, C., 1994, Application of a Graphics Data Base Management System: Computerized Master Plan of Drainage, Proceedings: Environmental Restoration Conference (UCOWR 1994), Big Sky Montana, Aug. 1994. (see Item 247)
263. Hromadka II, T.V., 1995, Master Plan of Drainage, Cost-to-Benefit (CBI) Analysis, Proceedings: Arid West Conference, Association of State Floodplain Managers, January 24-25, 1995, San Diego, California, pg. 134-145
264. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1996, The Existence of Approximate Solutions for Two Dimensional Potential Flow Problems, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 12, pg. 719-727.
265. Hromadka II, T.V., 1995, Updating the Rational Method for Peak Flow Estimation, Proceedings: Arid West Conference, Association of State Floodplain Managers, January 24-26, 1995, San Diego, California, pg. 153-168.
266. Hromadka II, T.V., 1995, Probabilistic Junction Analysis in Storm Drain Hydraulics, Proceedings: Arid West Conference, Association of State Floodplain Managers, January 24-26, 1995, San Diego, California, pg. 146-152.
267. Hromadka II, T.V. and DeVries, J.J., 1996, GIS-Based Drainage Study for San Joaquin County, ASCE, American Water Resources Conference, Syracuse, New York, July 1996.
268. Hromadka II, T.V., 1996, Modeling Error in Evaluation of the CVBEM Matrix System, Engineering Analysis and Boundary Elements 17, pg.85-89.
269. Knell, Steven R, Egense, Anders K., Shank, Eugene F. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1996, Drainage Master Planning for the Largest Irrigation District in the U.S., California, Floodplain Management Association Conference, July 1996, San Diego, California, pg. 79-84.
270. Hromadka II, T.V., 1995, GIS Interface for Storm Water Management Plans, Proceedings: Floodplain Management Association, 1995 Spring Conference, Anaheim, California, March 29-31,1995.
271. DeVries, J.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1995, Comparison of HEC-1 Watershed Runoff Procedures, Proceedings: Floodplain Management Association, 1995 Spring Conference, Anaheim, California, March 29-31,1995.
272. Hromadka II, T.V., 1995, Derivation of the Rational Method for Peak Flow Estimates, Proceedings: Floodplain Management Association, 1995 Spring Conference, Anaheim, California, March 29-31,1995.
273. DeVries, J.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1995, Short Duration Rainfall for Design Storms, Proceedings: Floodplain Management Association, 1995 Spring Conference, Anaheim, California, March 29-31,1995.
274. Nestlinger, A.J., Franklin, E., Sobhoni, M., Hromadka II, T.V., 1995, Severe Storms in Orange County, California 1974 to 1995, Proceedings: Floodplain Management Association, 1995 Spring Conference, Anaheim, California, March 29-31,1995.
275. Hromadka II, T.V., 1994, Watershed Hydrology for Sanitary Surveys and Watershed Management, Invited paper and presentation, Stormwater Management and Sanitary Surveys Conference, Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Inc., Ontario, California, June 9, 1994.
276. Hromadka II, T.V., 1995, Engineering Ethics: Software Use and Misuse, Invited Paper and Lecture, ASCE, Orange County Chapter, Technical Committee on Engineering Ethics, Santa Ana, California, April 20, 1995.
277. Hromadka II, T.V., 1996, A Refresher of Practical Statistics for Flood Control Hydrology, Invited Lecture, Floodplain Management Association, March 1996 Spring Conference and Workshops, Anaheim, California.
278. Hromadka II, T.V., DeVries, J.J., Knell, Steven, Egense, Anders K., 1996, Preparation of a Hydrology Manual for Imperial County, California, Floodplain Management Association Conference, July 1996, San Diego, California, pg. 122-126.
279. Hromadka II, T.V., 1996, Practical Statistics for Flood Control Hydrology, Invited Paper and Lecture, ASCE Conference on The Orange County Hydrology Manual Addendum, Irvine City Hall Council Chambers, Irvine, California, May 2, 1996. (see Item 277).
280. Hromadka II, T.V., 1996, Application of Statistical Confidence Intervals to the Estimate of Storm Runoff Impacts Due to Urbanization, Proceedings: Floodplain Management Association, 1996 Spring Conference, Anaheim, California, March 27-29, 1996.
281. Hromadka II, T.V., Whitley, R.J., 1996, Approximating Rainfall-Runoff Modeling Response Using a Stochastic Integral Equation, Chapter in book, Environmental Modeling III, published by Computational Mechanics Publications, pg.235-275.
282. Hromadka II, T.V., DeVries, J.J. and Loague, K., 1997, Storm Duration and the Runoff Criterion Variable, Stormwater Storage Symposium, Arizona Floodplain Management Association, June 19, 1997, Scottsdale, Arizona.
283. Hromadka II, T.V., 1996, A Rainfall-Runoff Probabilistic Simulation Program: 1. Synthetic Data Generation, Journal of Environmental Software, Vol. 11, No. 4, pg. 235-242.
284. Hromadka II, T.V., 1996, A Rainfall-Runoff Probabilistic Simulation Program: 2. Synthetic Data Analysis, Journal of Environmental Software, Vol. 11, No. 4, pg. 243-249.
285. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 1996, Rational-Method Equation and HEC TD-15, United Nations Water Resources Journal, reprinted with permission from ASCE (see Item 261), December 1996, pg. 47-51. [Selected, without submission by authors, by the United Nations for worldwide release.]
286. Hromadka II, T.V., 1995, GIS in Water Resources: Stormwater Master Plans, Conference Proceedings: Geographic Information Systems in Public Works, American Public Works Association, Lakewood, California, October 12, 1995, pg. 257-266.
287. Hromadka II, T.V., Whitley, R.J., 1996, A New Formulation for Developing CVBEM Approximation Functions, Technical Note, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 18, pg. 39-41.
288. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1997, Chowdhury and Stedinger’s Approximate Confidence Intervals for Design Floods for A Single Site, Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics, Vol.11, pg. 51-63.
289. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 1996, An Integrated Storm Water Management/GIS Software System, Environmental Software, Vol. 11, No. 4, pg. 209-219.
290. Hromadka II, T.V., 1997, Balanced Design Storm UH, Rational and Regression Equation Methods, ASCE, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, July 1997, pg. 129-132.
291. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 1997, Stochastic Evaluation of Rainfall-Runoff Prediction Performance, ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, October 1997, pg. 188-196.
292. Hromadka II, T.V., 1997, Hydrologic Processes and Their Applicability to Newport Bay and Its Watershed, Invited Paper and Lecture at A Symposium and Public Meeting on the State of Newport Bay and Its Watershed, National Academies of Sciences & Engineering, University of California, Irvine, October 24, 1997.
293. DeVries, J.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1998, Closed Conduit Profile Calculations Using HEC-RAS, Floodplain Management Association Conference, San Diego, California, March 13-14, 1998.
294. Franklin, E., Nestlinger, A. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1998, Isohyetal and Isofrequency Mapping of the December 1997 Storm in Laguna Beach, California, Floodplain Management Association Conference, San Diego, California, March 13-14, 1998.
295. Hromadka II, T.V., 1998, A Statistical Look at the December 1997 Storm Event in Laguna Beach, California, Floodplain Management Association Conference, San Diego, California, March 13-14, 1998.
296. Hromadka II, T.V., 1998, A Stormwater Information Management System, Floodplain Management Association Conference, San Diego, California, March 13-14, 1998.
297. Hromadka II, T.V., 1998, Evaluation of Orifice Flow Prediction Equations, Floodplain Management Association Conference, San Diego, California, March 13-14, 1998.
298. Hromadka II, T.V., 1998, Calibrated Results and Their Statistical Foundations, Invited Paper and Lecture, ASCE Hydrology Seminar, April 3, 1998, ASCE Continuing Education Seminar, Santa Ana, California.
299. Hromadka II, T.V., 1997, A Stochastic Integral Equation Analog for Rainfall-Runoff Processes, Proceedings, Arid Regions 7th Biennial Conference, Floodplain Managers Association (FMA), ASFPM, AFMA, March 19-21, 1997, Laughlin, Nevada.
300. Strubel, G., Hromadka II, T.V. and McCarty, J., 1997, Usage of Storm Water Best Management Practices in Southern California, Journal of Water Resources Management 11, pg. 467-481.
351. Murtaugh, M.J., and Hromadka II, T.V., The 2006 Drainage Law Seminar, CELSOC, 2006, 70 pgs 352. Whitley, R.J., Hromadka II, T.V., Smith, M.J., 2007, The Log-Pearson III Distribution in Hydrology, Environmental Sciences and Environmental Computing, Vol. III, Chapter 6, 13 pgs (376.) Perez, R., Hromadka II, T.V., Horton, S. and Phillips, M., 2014, Using Off-the-Shelf Technology to Aid in Interpreting Evidence. (383.) Dean, T., Hromadka II, T.V., Horton, S., Huang, W., Comparison of Complex Variable Boundary Element Method, Finite Difference Method and Fourier Series Approximations for Two-Dimensional Electrostatics Problems, Journal of Electrostatics, (2011, In-Review). (388.) Johnson, A. N., Hromadka II, T.V. and Horton, S., 2015 Improved Complex Polynomial Method (CPM) Solution of Potential Problems, (2016, to be submitted). (389.) Hromadka II, T.V., Bloor, C., Jordan N., Analysis of Stability, Consistency, and Convergence: Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model (DHM), (2016, to be submitted). 399. Hromadka II, T.V., Isenhour, M., Rao. P., Yen, C.C., Crow, M., (2017) Computational Biopsy to Assess Accuracy of Large Scale Computational Groundwater Flow Models, International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Management, 7, 6-11 (402.) Hromadka II, T.V., Rao, P., Yen, C., Assessment of Computational Groundwater Flow Model, International Journal of Engineering, Sciences and Management, (2016, In-Review) 404. Wilkins, B.D., Hromadka II, T.V., Boucher, R. (2017) A Conceptual Numerical Model of the Wave Equation Using the Complex Variable Boundary Element Method, Scientific Research Publishing, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol.8, 724-735. 415. Hromadka II,T.V., Perez, R.A., Rao, P., Eke, K.C., Peters H.F., McInvale,H.D., 2019, “Evaluation of Doppler Radar Data for Assessing Depth-Area Reduction Factors for the Arid Region of San Bernardino County”, Journal of Water Resource and Protection, Vol. 11 No.2, 217-232. 420. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 2005, Approximating Harmonic Functions on Rn With One Function of a Single Complex Variable, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 21, No. 5, September 2005, pgs. 905-917, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 1, 2004-2005. See item #348 421. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 2005, Approximating Three-Dimensional Steady-State Potential Flow Problems Using Two-Dimensional Complex Polynomials, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 29, pgs. 190-194, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 1, 2004-2005. See item #342. 422. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 2005, Unification of Surface Water Hydrology Modeling Algorithms, Hydrological Science & Technology, American Institute of Hydrology, Vol. 21, No. 1-4, pgs. 61-75, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 1, 2004-2005. See item #339 423. Hromadka II, T.V., Guymon, G.L., and Yen, C.C., 2004, Comparison of Three Computer Models of Unsaturated Flow, Bulletin of American Institute of Hydrology, Vol. 22, Issue 3, pgs. 4-5, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 1, 2004-2005. See item #344 424. Hromadka II, T.V., Whitley, R.J., 2004, Formalization of Mass-Conservation Rainfall-Runoff Models, American Institute of Hydrology, USGS, 2004 Annual Conference, pg.15, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 1, 2004-2005. See item #338 425. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 2004, Water Quality Mixing Analysis Using a Hilbert Space Setting, American Institute of Professional Geologists 2004 Annual Meeting, Saratoga Springs, New York, (one of 9 papers invited for presentation), Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 1, 2004-2005. See item #336 426. Zillmer, D., and T.V. Hromadka II, 2009, Boundary Element Modeling with Variable Nodal Point and Collocation Point Locations, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 43, pgs. 96-103, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 2, 2006-2009. See item #363 427. Bohannon, A.W. and Hromadka II, T.V., 2009, The Complex Polynomial Method with a Least-Squares Fit to Boundary Conditions, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 33, No. 8-9, pgs. 1100-1102, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 2, 2006-2009. See item #357 428. Bohannon, A.W. and Hromadka II, T.V., 2009, Modeling Ground Water Problems Using the Complex Polynomial Method, The Professional Geologist, Vol. 46, pgs. 39-46, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 2, 2006-2009. See item #355 429. Poler, A.C., Bohannon, A.W., Schowalter, S.J., Hromadka II, T.V., 2009, Using the Complex Polynomial Method with Mathematica to Model Problems Involving the Laplace and Poisson Equations, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Vol.25, No. 3, pgs 657-667, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 2, 2006-2009. See item #354 430. Hromadka II, T.V., Whitley, R.J., Horton, S.B., Smith, M.J., Lindquist, J.M., 2009, Generous Statistical Tests, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol. 23, pgs 9-12, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 2, 2006-2009. See item #353 431. Whitley, R.J., Hromadka II, T.V., Smith, M.J., 2007, The Log-Pearson III Distribution in Hydrology, Environmental Sciences and Environmental Computing, Vol. III, Chapter 6, 13 pgs, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 2, 2006-2009. See item #352 432. Hromadka II, T.V., Glen, A.G., and Miguel, F., 2007, An Expandable Mathematica Program for Fitting Families of Basis Functions to Data, 6th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields, 2007 Conference Proceedings, 6 pgs, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 2, 2006-2009. See item #349. 433. Whitley, R.J., Hromadka II, T.V., 2006, Theoretical Developments in the Complex Variable Boundary Element Method, Engineering Analysis and Boundary Elements, Vol. 30, pgs. 1020-1024, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 2, 2006-2009. See item #350 434. Guymon, G.L., and Hromadka II, T.V., 2006, Conceptual Model of Water and Dissolved Salts Movement Through Portland Cement Concrete, Bulletin of American Institute of Hydrology, Vol. 24, No. 1, pgs. 3, 6-7, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 2, 2006-2009. See item #345. 435. Hromadka II, T.V., Whitley, R.J., Jordan, N., 2006, Multi-Directional Analogs of Two-Dimensional Flow, Hydrological Science & Technology, Vol. 22, No. 1-4, pgs. 91-105, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 2, 2006-2009. See item #343. 436. Smith, S., Baxter, R., Menges, J., and Hromadka II, T.V, 2011, Real Time Boundary Element Node Location Optimization, Journal of Engineering Analysis and Boundary Elements. Presented at United States Military Academy and Army Research Laboratory (USMA/ARL) Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, November, 2011, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 3, 2010-2011. See item #369. 437. Chang, W.W., Hromadka II, T.V., Chang, H.H., 2011, Calibrating the USLE P-factor Using Program FLUVIAL-12, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, Vol. 66, No. 2, pgs 40A – 44A, published March/April 2011, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 3, 2010-2011. See item #364 438. Hromadka II, T.V., Whitley, R.J., Smith, M.J., 2011, Stability of Confidence Levels for Flood Frequencies Using Additional Data, J. Water Resource and Protection, published March 2011, pgs. 228-234, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 3, 2010-2011. See item #361 439. Hromadka II, T.V., Whitley, R.J., Jordan, N., Meyer, T., 2010, Manning’s Equation and Two-dimensional Flow Analogs, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 389, pgs 177-185, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 3, 2010-2011. See item #360 440. Dean, T.R., Hromadka II, T.V., Kastner, T., Phillips, M., 2010, Modeling Potential Flow Using Laurent Series Expansions and Boundary Elements, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 28, No. 2, pgs. 573-586, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 3, 2010-2011. See item #359 441. Dean, T.R., Hromadka II, T.V., 2010, A Collocation CVBEM Using Program Mathematica, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 34, pgs. 417-422, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 3, 2010-2011. See item #362 442. Whitley, R.J., Hromadka II, T.V., Horton, S.B., 2010, Approximate Solutions to the Dirichlet Problem in RN Using One Analytic Function, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, pgs. 1636-1641, published online August 2009, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 3, 2010-2011. See item #356 443. Hromadka II, T.V., Jaye, M., Phillips, M., Hromadka III, T., Phillips, D., 2012, A Mathematical Model of Cryospheric Response to Climate Changes; ASCE Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, published June 2013, Vol. 27, No. 2, Pgs 67-93, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 4, 2012. See item #36 444. Hromadka II, T.V., Phillips, M., Rao, P., Espinosa, B., Perez, R.and Barton, M., 2012, What Rainfall Return Frequency?; Journal of Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, published July 2013, Vol. 3, Number 3, Pgs, 385-396, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 4, 2012. See item #371 445. Smith, S., Baxter, R., Menges, J., Hromadka II, T.V., and Horton, S., 2012, Real Time Boundary Element Node Location Optimization, Journal of Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 36, pgs. 1049-1052, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 4, 2012. See item #368 446. Kendall, T., Hromadka II, T.V., Phillips, D., 2012, An Algorithm for Optimizing CVBEM and BEM Nodal Point Locations; Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 36, Pgs. 979-984, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 4, 2012. See item #365 447. Johnson, N. Anthony, Carroll, M., Jones, L., Papas, N., Thomasy, C., Hromadka II, T.V., Horton, S., Whitley, R. and Johnson, M., 2013, A Computational Approach to Determining CVBEM Approximate Boundaries; Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, published online April 2014, Vol. 14, Pgs. 83-89, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 5, 2013. See item #375 448. Hromadka II, T.V. and Jordan, N., 2013, The Effect of 2D Grid Element Shape on Possible Hydraulic Bias in Multiple-Direction Flow Hydraulic Models. Presented at Floodplain Management Conference, Anaheim, California, September 2013, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 5, 2013. See item #373 449. Hromadka II, T.V. and Jordan, N., 2013, The Effect of Orientation of Square 2D Grid Elements on Possible Hydraulic Bias in Multiple-Direction Flow Hydraulic Models. Presented at Floodplain Management Conference, Anaheim, California, September 2013, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 5, 2013. See item #374. 450. Hromadka II, T.V., Phillips, M., Rao, P., Espinosa, B., Hromadka III, T., 2013, Rainfall Infiltration Return Frequency Estimates; Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, published online October 2013, Pgs. 595-609, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 5, 2013. See item #370 451. Hanus, J.P., Hromadka II, T.V., Phillips, M.D., (2015), Reducing Flood Risk by Use of Better Hydrologic and Hydraulic Data and Methods, Association of State Flood Plain Managers (ASFPM) 2015 Forum Paper: The 5th Gilbert F. White Flood Policy Forum “Climate Informed Science and Flood Risk Management”, 35-36, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 6, 2014- 2015. See item #382 452. Johnson, A.N., Hromadka II, T.V. and Horton, S.B., The Complex Variable Boundary Element Methods (CVBEM) for Mixed Boundaries, Presented at Joint Math Meetings 2015, San Antonio Texas, January 2015, 1-19, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 6, 2014- 2015. See item #381 453. Johnson, A.N., Hromadka II, T.V., Hughes, M.T., Horton, S.B., (2015). Modeling Mixed Boundary Problems with the Complex Variable Boundary Element Method (CVBEM) using Matlab and Mathematica, International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, 3, 269 – 278, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 6, 2014- 2015. See item #380 454. Johnson, A.N., Hromadka II, T.V., Modeling Mixed Boundary Conditions in a Hilbert Space with the Complex Variable Boundary Element Method (CVBEM), Methods X, ELSEVIER, May 2015, Volume 2, Pgs. 292 – 305, May 2015, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 6, 2014- 2015. See item #379 455. Hromadka II, T. V., McInvale, H. D., Phillips, M. and Espinosa, B., 2014, Assessment of Ice Volume Changes in the Cryosphere via Simplified Heat Transport Model. American Journal of Climate Change, published online December 2014, Volume 3, No. 5, Pgs. 421-428, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 6, 2014- 2015. See item #378 456. Hromadka II, T.V., McInvale, D., Gatzke, B., Phillips, M., Espinosa, B. 2014, A Cumulative Departure Model of the Cryosphere during the Pleistocene. ASCE Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, published online April 2014, Invited Paper to APPSCEM, Volume 6, 2014- 2015. See item #372. 466. Doyle, A., Nelson, A., Yuan, M., Demoes, N.J., Grubaugh, K.E., Wilkins, B.D., Hromadka II, T.V. (2019) “Advances in the Greedy Optimization Algorithm for Nodes and Collocation Points using the Method of Fundamental Solutions.” (467.) Wilkins, B.D., Hromadka, T.V., McInvale, J.D. (2019) “A New Algorithm for Locating Computational Nodes in Mesh Reduction Methods for Partial Differential Equations.” Ready to be submitted. (468.) Wilkins, B.D., Hromadka, T.V. (2019) “A Graphical Norm for Computational Error Assessment of Complex Variable Boundary Element Models.” Ready to be submitted. Note: (( )) reflects Conference papers presented but Proceedings not received.
302. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 1997, Fractal Basis Functions and the CVBEM, Engineering Analysis and Boundary Elements, 20, pg. 337-339.
303. Hromadka II, T.V., 1996, Linking the Rational Methods, The Balanced Design Storm Unit Hydrograph Method, and The U.S.G.S. Regression Equation Methods for Estimating Peak Flow Rates, Proceedings, Floodplain Management Association Conference, September 11-13, 1996, Sacramento, California.
304. Hromadka II, T.V., 1998, Unit Hydrograph Uncertainty Analysis, Proceedings: Seventh International Conference, Envirosoft ’98, Development and Application of Computer Techniques to Environmental Studies, Las Vegas, Nevada, November, 1998, Keynote Address, Computational Mechanics Publications, pg. 169-180, invited paper.
305. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, 1998, R.J., A Test of Rainfall Depth-Duration Statistics, Proceedings, Floodplain Management Association Conference, September 16-18, 1998, Sacramento, California.
306. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1998, Confidence Intervals for Design Floods for a Single Site Using a Neural Network, Proceedings, Floodplain Management Association Conference, September 16-18, 1998, Sacramento, California.
307. G. Struble, Hromadka II, T.V., 1999, Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) in Southern California, Water Resources IMPACT, Vol. 1, No. 2, March 1999, pg. 8-9.
308. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1999, The Existence of Approximate Solutions to Mixed Boundary Value Problems, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 15, pg. 191-199.
309. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1999, Approximate Confidence Intervals for Design Floods for a Single Site Using a Neural Network, Water Resources Research, Vol. 35, No. 1, pg. 203-209.
310. Hromadka II, T.V., 1999, Analysis of Three-Dimensional Potential Problems Using the Complex Variable Boundary Element Method, Proceedings, Wessex Institute of Technology, “Boundary Element Method” BETECH’99 Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, June, 1999, pg. 424-427.
311. Hromadka II, T.V., 2000, A Unit Hydrograph Rainfall-Runoff Model Using Mathematica, Environmental Software, Vol. 15 (2), pg. 151-160.
312. Hromadka II, T.V., 2000, Approximating Three-Dimensional Potential Problems Using the Complex Variable Boundary Element Method (CVBEM): Numerical Methods Partial Differential Eq 16: 535-560.
313. Hromadka II, T.V., 1999, Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model (DHM), Floodplain Management Association, Fall Conference, Sacramento, California, September 27 to October 1, 1999, invited-lecture.
314. Hromadka II, T.V., Yen, C.C. and Smith, D., 2000, Development of Data Base and Statistical Analysis of Water Quality Data for the Los Angeles Region, Journal of Floodplain Management, Vol. 2, No. 1, pg. 13-27.
315. Hromadka II, T.V., 1999, Recent Applications of the Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model (DHM), Floodplain Management Association, Fall Conference, Sacramento, California, September 27 to October 1, 1999.
316. Hromadka II, T.V., Whitley, R.J. and Yen, C.C., 2001, A Generalized 3D Complex Variable Boundary Element Method (CVBEM): Applications, “Seminars in Advanced Computing”, Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, England, March 27, 2001, University of Wales, Swansea.
317. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 1999, Computing Approximate Confidence Intervals For Design Floods, Journal of Floodplain Management, Vol. 1, No. 1, July 1999, pg. 23-29.
318. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 1999, On Formalization of Unit-Hydrograph and Link-Node Hydrograph-Routing Systems, Journal of Hydrology, Elsevier Science, Vol. 223, pg. 66-84.
319. Hromadka II, T.V., Whitley, R.J., 2001, A Computer Model to Evaluate the Effect of Land Development on Sediment Transport, J. Floodplain Management, Vol. 2, No. 2.
320. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 2001, Approximating Three-Dimensional Potential Problems on a Sphere Using The Complex Variable Boundary Element Method: Applications, “Seminars in Advanced Computing”, Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, England, March 27, 2001, University of Wales, Swansea.
321. Hromadka II, T.V., 2000, Approximating Three-Dimensional Potential Problems Using The Complex Variable Boundary Element Method (CVBEM), Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations Journal, 16, pg. 535-560
322. Hromadka II, T.V. and Durbin, T.J., 2000, Estimating Change in Sediment Transport Trends Due to Catchment Changes, Proceedings, Floodplain Management Association, 17th Semi-Annual Conference, March 2000, San Diego, California.
323. Espinosa, B., Hromadka II, T.V., 2001, Water Quality Data for Los Angeles & Ventura Counties, Floodplain Management Conference, Lake Tahoe, September 23-26, 2001.
324. Hromadka II, T.V., 1999, Stormwater Information Management System (SIMS), Proceedings, Floodplain Management Association, 16th Semi-Annual Conference, March 24-26, 1999, San Diego, California.
325. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 2002, A Note on Approximating Three-Dimensional Potential Problems Using the CVBEM and Domain Rotations, Boundary Element Communications, Vol. 12, No. 4, pgs. 21-30.
326. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 1998, Another Visit With The Orange County 100-year Storm Rainfall Data, Proceedings, Floodplain Management Association Conference, September 16-18, 1998, Sacramento, California.
327. Hromadka II, T.V., 2002, An Automated Hydrology Manual Calibration System, Floodplain Management Conference, San Diego, April 7-10, 2002.
328 . Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 2001, A General Complex Variable Boundary Element Method, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, pg. 332-335.
329. Hromadka II, T.V. 2003, A Simple Method for Estimating Change in Sediment Transport Trends in Watercourses, FMA Journal of Floodplain Management, Vol. 3, No. 2, pgs. 13-17.
330. Hromadka II, T.V., Whitley, R.J. and Yen, C.C., 2003, Extending the Complex Variable Boundary Element Method to Three Dimensions, May 2003 BEM Conference, Detroit, Michigan, Conference Proceedings, WIT Press, Southampton, England, Vol. XV, pgs. 105-113.
331. Hromadka II, TV. and Yen, C.C., 2002, A Comparison of the 3D Real and Complex Variable Boundary Element Methods (BEM), Boundary Element Communications, Vol. 13, No.1, pgs. 3-20.
332. Hromadka II, T.V., 2004, A Method for Selecting 3D CVBEM Projection Plane Vectors, Boundary Element Communications, Vol. 13, No. 3/4, pgs. 3-10.
333. Hromadka II, T.V., 2004, A Review of Hydrologic Modeling History: Accuracy in Results, J. Floodplain Management , Vol. 4, No. 1, pg. 33-53.
334. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, Robert J., 2004, Plume Source Identification Using Chemical Ratios and Convex Hull Theory to Measure “Closeness” of Fingerprint Matching, 11th Symp., Proceedings, Perchlorate in California’s Groundwater, Groundwater Resources Association, August 4, 2004, Glendale, California.
335. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, Robert J., 2004, Simulating Confidence Intervals for T-Year Floods, Floodplain Management Association, 2004 Annual Conference, Monterey, California.
336. Hromadka II, T.V. and Yen, C.C., 2004, Water Quality Mixing Analysis Using a Hilbert Space Setting, American Institute of Professional Geologists 2004 Annual Meeting, Saratoga Springs, New York, (one of 9 papers invited for presentation).
337. Hromadka II, T.V. and Murtaugh, Michael J., 2004, The 2004 Drainage Law Seminar, CELSOC, 62 pages.
338. Hromadka II, T.V., Whitley, R.J., 2004, Formalization of Mass-Conservation Rainfall-Runoff Models, American Institute of Hydrology, USGS, 2004 Annual Conference, pg.153
339. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 2005, Unification of Surface Water Hydrology Modeling Algorithms, Hydrological Science & Technology, American Institute of Hydrology, Vol. 21, No. 1-4, pgs. 61-75.
340. Laton, W. Richard, Hromadka II, T.V., Yeager, Matt, Picciuto Jack A. and Whitley, R.J., 2005, A New Method of Estimating Runoff Quantities for Flow and Volume-based BMP Design, California Stormwater Quality Association 2005 Conference, October 3-5, 2005, Ontario, California, 28 pages.
341. Laton, W.R., Hromadka II, T.V., Picciuto, J.A., 2006, Estimating Runoff Quantities for Flow and Volume-based BMP Design, Hydrological Science & Technology, Vol. 22, No. 1-4, pgs. 131-144
342. Hromadka II, T.V. and Whitley, R.J., 2005, Approximating Three-Dimensional Steady-State Potential Flow Problems Using Two-Dimensional Complex Polynomials, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 29, pgs. 190-194
343. Hromadka II, T.V., Whitley, R.J., Jordan, N., 2006, Multi-Directional Analogs of Two-Dimensional Flow, Hydrological Science & Technology, Vol. 22, No. 1-4, pgs. 91-105
344. Hromadka II, T.V., Guymon, G.L., and Yen, C.C., 2004, Comparison of Three Computer Models of Unsaturated Flow, Bulletin of American Institute of Hydrology, Vol. 22, Issue 3, pgs. 4-5
345. Guymon, G.L., and Hromadka II, T.V., 2006, Conceptual Model of Water and Dissolved Salts Movement Through Portland Cement Concrete, Bulletin of American Institute of Hydrology, Vol. 24, No. 1, pgs. 3, 6-7
346. Laton, W.R., Whitley, R.J., Hromadka II, T.V., 2007, A New Mathematical Technique for Identifying Potential Sources of Groundwater Contamination, Hydrogeology Journal, Vol. 15, pgs.333-338
347. Hromadka II, T.V., 2005, Judge’s Commentary: The Outstanding Exhaustible Resource Papers, The UMAP Journal, Vol. 26.2, pgs. 175-178
348. Whitley, R.J. and Hromadka II, T.V., 2005, Approximating Harmonic Functions on Rn With One Function of a Single Complex Variable, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 21, No. 5, September 2005, pgs. 905-917
349. Hromadka II, T.V., Glen, A.G., and Miguel, F., 2007, An Expandable Mathematica Program for Fitting Families of Basis Functions to Data, 6th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields, 2007 Conference Proceedings, 6 pgs.
350. Whitley, R.J., Hromadka II, T.V., 2006, Theoretical Developments in the Complex Variable Boundary Element Method, Engineering Analysis and Boundary Elements, Vol. 30, pgs. 1020-1024
353. Hromadka II, T.V., Whitley, R.J., Horton, S.B., Smith, M.J., Lindquist, J.M., 2009, Generous Statistical Tests, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol. 23, pgs 9-12
354. Poler, A.C., Bohannon, A.W., Schowalter, S.J., Hromadka II, T.V., 2009, Using the Complex Polynomial Method with Mathematica to Model Problems Involving the Laplace and Poisson Equations, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Vol.25, No. 3, pgs 657-667
355. Bohannon, A.W. and Hromadka II, T.V., 2009, Modeling Ground Water Problems Using the Complex Polynomial Method, The Professional Geologist, Vol. 46, pgs. 39-46
356. Whitley, R.J., Hromadka II, T.V., Horton, S.B., 2010, Approximate Solutions to the Dirichlet Problem in RN Using One Analytic Function, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, pgs. 1636-1641, published online August 2009
357. Bohannon, A.W. and Hromadka II, T.V., 2009, The Complex Polynomial Method with a Least-Squares Fit to Boundary Conditions, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. Vol. 33, No. 8-9, pgs. 1100-1102
366. Hromadka II, T.V., Jaye, M., Phillips, M., Hromadka III, T., Phillips, D., 2012, A Mathematical Model of Cryospheric Response to Climate Changes; ASCE Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, published June 2013, Vol. 27, No. 2, Pgs. 67-93.
368. Smith, S., Baxter, R., Menges, J., Hromadka II, T.V., and Horton, S., 2012, Real Time Boundary Element Node Location Optimization, Journal of Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 36, Pgs. 1049-1052.
369. Smith, S., Baxter, R., Menges, J., and Hromadka II, T.V, 2011, Real Time Boundary Element Node Location Optimization, Journal of Engineering Analysis and Boundary Elements. Presented at United States Military Academy and Army Research Laboratory (USMA/ARL) Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, November, 2011.
( )* ready for a future Conference.

1. Water Quality Modeling of Newport Bay. Ph.D. Dissertation for Mohammed N. Khan, Department of Civil Engineering, University of California, Irvine, California, 1993.
2. Water Quality for Santa Monica Bay. MS Thesis for Angela Wranic, Department of Environmental Studies, California State University, Fullerton, California, 1993.
3. Cost Effective Best Management Practices and Frequency of Use, MS Project for G. Strubel, Department of Environmental Studies, California State University, Fullerton, California, 1995.
4. Evaluation of Groundwater Cleanup Using an Air-Stripper, MS Project for Claire Esser, Dept. of Environmental Studies, California State University, Fullerton, California, 1997.
5. Spatial and Temporal Differences in Surface Water Quality in Newport Bay Watershed, Orange County, California, MS Project for Mathew Blinstrub, Dept. of Environmental Studies, California State University, Fullerton, California, 2002.

More than 1500 technical reports regarding water resources engineering feasibility and design studies.
Professional Society Seminar Publications 2. Murtaugh, M., Hromadka II, T.V., Drainage Law Seminar: 2006 Course Syllabus, CELSOC (Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors of California). |
1. Desert Hydrology Manual, San Bernardino County Water Resources Division (to Princeton University, Department of Civil Engineering), $7,000, P.O. #J5351-M, dated 05/06/86. 2. Sedimentation Manual I, San Bernardino County (to California State University, Fullerton, Department of Mathematics), $15,000, P.O. #K8014, dated 12-08-86. 3. Water Resources Evaluation, San Bernardino County (to California State University, Fullerton, Department of Mathematics), $12,500, P.O. #M7010, dated 07-02-87. 4. Effects of Development on 85% Confidence Flood Flow Estimates, San Bernardino County (to California State University, Fullerton, Department of Mathematics), $12,500, P.O. #M11327, dated 04-26-88. 5. Student Research Assistantship Program with Williamson & Schmid Civil Engineers, Inc., 1987-1993, through Department of Mathematics, $340,000. 6. Kern County Hydrology Manual, Kern County (to California State University, Fullerton, Department of Mathematics), $15,000, P.O. #806000, dated 04-26-88. 7. Sedimentation Manual II, San Bernardino County (to California State University, Fullerton, Department of Mathematics), $10,500, P.O. #M386, dated 06-06-88, Summer 1990, Masters Project. 8. Kern County Hydrology Manual II, Kern County, (to California State University, Fullerton, Department of Mathematics), $5,000, Summer 1990, Masters Project. 9. Advances in Complex Variable Approximations of PDE, Advanced Engineering Software (to California State University, Fullerton, Department of Mathematics), $12,500, Summer 1991, Masters Project. 10. Numerical Methods and Applied Mathematics, Advanced Engineering Software (to California State University, Fullerton, Department of Mathematics), $12,000, Summer 1992, Applied Masters Project. 11. Development New Technology for Storm Drain System Deficiency Analysis and Interface to GIS, Advanced Engineering Software (to California State University, Fullerton, Department of Mathematics), $28,000, Spring 1993. 12. Water Quality Statistical Analysis for Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, $10,000, Spring 1993. 13. Hydrology Manual Update: Design Storm Centering, County of San Bernardino (to California State University, Fullerton, Department of Mathematics), $11,400, Summer 1993. 14. Data Base Development for IID GIS for Master Plan of Drainage, Block and Veatch (to California State University, Fullerton, Department of Mathematics), $24,800, Spring 1994. 15. Algorithms for Hydrologic Modeling, Advanced Engineering Software, (to California State University, Fullerton, Department of Mathematics), $11,400, Summer 1994. 16. Stochastic Integral Equations for Runoff Hydrographs, (to California State University, Fullerton, Department of Mathematics), $9,800, Summer 1995, Applied Master Project. 17. San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual Update (to CSUF Department of Mathematics, $15,100, Summer 1996 and 1997 Applied Master Project. 18. Optimization Study for Jurupa Basin, $14,000, Fall 1997. 19. Extension of CVBEM for 3D Problems (to CSUF, $10,200, Summer 1998 and 1999 Applied Masters Project). 20. Statistical studies for North Platte River, U.S. Supreme Court, Nebraska vs. Wyoming, 1999-2000, $46,000.00. 21. San Bernardino County Environmental Impact study for CADIZ Ground Water Banking, 2000, $22,500.00 22. EnviroCOMP Inc., 3DCVBEM research, 2003, $9,800.00. 23. Hromadka & Associates, Environmental Studies, Summer 2003-Summer 2004, $97,233.00 24. County of San Bernardino, (to CSUF Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering), Arid Hydrology Manual Update, 2015 – 2017, $50,000.00. 25. West Consultants, (to Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering), Imperial County Hydrology Manual, 2016, $15,000.00. Total Funding: $817,833. |